Project Type

Welfare Units


Cadent Utilities Welfare Units

Project Location

Stoke, England

to create 3 x welfare units

maintenance free, Hard wearing food grade products

fully insulated, installed in 3 days

Waiting Room Extension

Project Type

Text Here


Devon and Exeter NHS Trust

Project Location

Exeter, England

Very restricted access through the hospital corridors to a garden square to create a large patient waiting area

Installed onto an existing base in approx. 6 days

Fully insulated composite panels with a 1 hour fire rating needed due to the close proximity to the existing building

Channing School, London

Project Type

Custom Cabins


Channing School, London

Project Location

London, England

A site cabin on a busy school site in London

1 of 2 cabins that was needed for a lengthy project when access was so tight they couldn’t get any other type of site office in place

installed onto a level timber and ply floor (by others) this cabin is a perfect site solution and….. fully insulated